Tuesday, 14 May 2019

My new sketch

Hi everyone,

Oh dear, it would appear that I haven't posted anything on here since Jan! To say that my blog gets neglected would be a bit of an understatement so thanks so much to everyone for not getting bored of waiting and buggering off!
Anyway, I've been very busy working on commissions which is great but, clearly, not so good for dedicating time to my blog 😆
Here's a sketch I did recently...........

I will make sure that it's not as long till my next blog post. I've been suffering from a case of artists block lately (is that even a thing?!) so need inspiration for my next drawing project. I think that a inspirational museum or gallery trip will be on the agenda very soon!!
Watch this space.........  🎨


PS; More of my artwork can be seen on my pinterest page;  https://www.pinterest.co.uk/jbcrosstitch/my-artwork/